Satisfaction Guarantee

7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee on complete e-bike systems (non-conversions)
  • All our e-bikes come with a 7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee when purchased directly from us. If you are not completely happy with its performance, or convinced the bike will change your life for the better, let us know within the first 7 days after pickup or delivery, and we will provide a full refund (shipping and labour excluded).
  • Please note that the Satisfaction Guarantee rests with the Dealer who sold the bike / kit.
  • To pursue a refund under this Guarantee, REV Bikes requires the bike / system returned in ‘as-new condition’ with less than 50kms travelled since purchase, within the stated time frame.
  • If the problem you encountered can be rectified during the First Free Service, we recommend you try the bike again before pursuing a refund. It’s common that e- bikes need a little tweak here and then after the first 50kms or so.
  • If you are genuinely and fairly not satisfied, email your Dealer with your original invoice / receipt, and an explanation of why you are not satisfied, and we / they will be in touch to rectify the problem or arrange the refund.

7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee on bicycle conversions
  • If you have ordered Rev Bikes to convert your existing bicycle into an electric bicycle (e-bike), whilst parts (motor, and accessories) are covered by the terms of the 7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, your refund will only be partial, as the initial conversion cost (labour) and the associated costs of returning your bicycle back to its original state will need to be deducted.